The Buying Questionnaire

This helps us get to know a little bit about you and your goals to kick things off. Please fill out the below questionnaire and we will be in touch within the next 24 hours! If this is an immediate need please contact our Buyer Specialist, Katie Langenfeld, at 402-618-9452.

Tell us a little bit more about yourself:

Is there a co-buyer? If so, what is their name?

Co-buyer Email (if applicable):

Current Address:

Full Name:


Phone Number:

Co-buyer Phone Number (if applicable):

When is your birthday? (Day/Month only)

How many bedrooms & bathrooms are wanted/needed at a minimum?

What type of property are you looking for?

Have you been pre-approved?

What is your favorite beverage? (Cocktail/beer/wine (if applicable), coffee, soda, etc.)

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you know about the home buying process?

Why do you want to purchase a home?

What price range are you considering?

What amount do you want your monthly payment to be under?

What is your favorite local restaurant?

We'd love to connect on social media! Drop your profile link(s) below (if applicable):

What is your timeframe?

Is there are particular area you are looking in?

What are 3 things you look for in a real estate agent?

How did you hear about Toast Real Estate Group?

Are you looking for a primary residence or an investment property?

Are you already working with a lender? If so, who?

How much have you planned/reserved to put down towards your home purchase? (This will help us calculate your monthly payment)

How long have you been looking?

Do you have any specific questions you want to make sure we cover?