We have curated a list of St. Patrick’s Day-themed events and pubs around Omaha to help you celebrate this weekend!

Greenlight Speakeasy @joslyncastle / Thursday, March 16th, 7 pm, Vermouth with @tinyhousebar. Tickets required.

Dry Spokes @dryspokes / Friday, March 17th, 5-8 pm, mocktails, live music, bingo

Clancy’s Pub @clancyspubomaha168 / Friday, March 17th, doors at 6 am, free green bagels & donuts, Irish dancers, live music

Office Wes Lounge @officewestlounge / Friday, March 17th, doors open 10 am, live music, Irish stew & corn beef sandwiches

Barrel & Vine @bvomaha / Friday, March 17th, 10 am-midnight, free corned beef and cabbage with purchase of beverage, live music

Downtown Bar Crawl / Friday March 17th & Saturday, March 18th, with @flixxlounge, @gate10omaha, @parliamentdowntown, @dublineromaha

Havana Garage @havanagarage / Friday, March 17th, 7 pm, Irish music by the River City Ramblers

Beer Corner USA / Friday March 17th & Saturday, March 18th, corner of breweries in Blackstone- @crescent_moon_alehouse, @huberhaus_bierhall, & Max and Joe’s Tavern, Irish food, drink specials, live music

Throwback Arcade Lounge @throwbackomaha / Friday, March 17th, 9 pm, drink specials, live music

Two Fine Irishmen @twofineirishmenomaha / Friday, March 17th & Saturday, March 18th, open at 6 am, green beer, live music, food specials

Burdock + Bitters @burdockandbitters / Friday, March 17th, Irish whiskey tasting, 5:30 pm

Maloney’s Irish Pub @maloneysirishpub / Friday, March 17th & Saturday, March 18th, open at 7 am, breakfast, face painting, live music

Omaha Dog Bar @omahadogbar / Friday, March 17th, 12-9 pm, green dog treats, drink specials for the humans.
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